Control center
Rule them all!
Web app
Participate in crafting the new Heroez digital experience!

Heroez ambitions to create a 360° fan-centric esport experience. Part of this experience will be a digital experience, through a dedicated web application. The idea is to build this experience in an iterative way, basing our product choices on community feedback, with the objective to delight the Heroez community. To achieve it, in order to orient the first design & development efforts, we ask you to tell us what are the most important needs/desires you want us to address first.

The option that will get the most votes will be the first addressed in our product roadmap. This time, it's a quadratic voting, meaning that each voter may spread voting power across any number of choices. The results will reflect both the voting power distributed and the number of contributors who voted for a certain option.

Option 1

"I want to follow the activity of the Heroez esport team(s)"

The idea is to give you more visibility and news on the esport teams' present and future.

Possible features: team roadmap, competitive calendar, tournaments agenda & ranking, Twitch live cast with commentator, team news (articles, photos, videos), players profiles & perf / analytics, game debrief...

Option 2

"I want to engage with the Heroez community"

The idea is to enable our community members better interact with other members, players and management, both in the digital and physical world.

Possible features: create an event, book an event, follow socials, lives, conferences & AMAs, subs, display Heroez land in the metaverse... In app messaging and forum would however remain in Discord.

Option 3

"I want to participate in Heroez strategic decisions"

As Heroez is a DAO, NFT holders have a right to participate in strategic decisions. As of today, we are using Snapshot to enable our holders to vote for strategic decisions. In the future web app, we could add software integrations enabling you to access directly to the proposals.

Possible features: review proposal, make proposal, vote, check the vote's results, elect a council, run for council elections...It is not our ambition to become a software for DAO management, so the main idea here is to build strong integrations (API) with tools like Snapshot, Wonder,...

Option 4

"I want to work for Heroez"

To build a strong DAO, the idea is to empower our community to participate in Heroez operations by performing tasks to help the project grow.

Possible features: review tasks, apply for tasks, receive payment...It is not our ambition to become a software for DAO management, so the main idea here is to build strong integrations (API) with tools like Wonder which already have dedicated features for that.

Option 5

"I want to support Heroez esport club / I want to show I belong to Heroez"

The idea is to enable our community members show their belonging to Heroez / support financially the activity of the club.

Possible features: Display Heroez NFTs, buy NFTs...Here we would also consider building strong integrations with specialized applications or marketplaces (eg: OpenSea).

Option 1
Option 2
Option 3
Option 4
Option 5
Voting system
quadratic Voting
Start Date
December 2nd 2022, 4:00 pm
End date
December 4th 2022, 9:00 pm
Created by