Control center
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What to do with the remaining NFT supply from wave 1 (3,000 HRZ)?

The proposal that will get the most votes will win. If 2 proposals have less than 5% of difference, we'll draw another vote only with the 2 final options.

Here are the different options:

Option 1

  • We close the public mint once 500 units have been minted or until Tuesday Oct. 4th at 11pm CET (even if the 500 units are not reached).

  • As a holder, you’ll be able to claim a free mint of 1 NFT if you bought at least 1 NFT, and 2 NFTs if you bought at least 3 NFTs (excluding founding members, advisors and airdrops) at Christmas 2022.

  • A reserve of 100 additional NFTs could be minted to welcome future emblematic members, future players or content creators.

  • The rest of supply is locked in the smart contract for future potential waves to be decided by the DAO.

Option 2

  • We close the public mint once 500 units have been minted or until Tuesday Oct. 4th at 11pm CET (even if the 500 units are not reached). No free claim for holders.

  • A reserve of 100 additional NFTs could be minted to welcome future emblematic members, future players or content creators.

  • The rest of supply is locked in the smart contract for future potential waves to be decided by the DAO.

Option 3

  • We close the public mint once 500 units have been minted or until Tuesday Oct. 4th at 11pm CET (even if the 500 units are not reached). No free claim for holders. And no NFT reserve.

  • The rest of supply is locked in the smart contract for future potential waves to be decided by the DAO.

Option 4

  • We keep the mint open until further decision from the DAO.
Option 1
Option 2
Option 3
Option 4
None of the options above
Voting system
Single choice Voting
Start Date
October 3rd 2022, 3:00 pm
End date
October 4th 2022, 8:00 pm
Created by