Control center
Rule them all!
What should we do with the remaining supply of OG Armors?

To give some context, 70 holders have claimed their OG Armor. We were very pleased with the feedback we got on this project. Many members of the Fulllife community wanted to get it before they knew it was a private operation.
Initially, we were constrained to produce 200 pieces. So we have 130 left. You will thus help us decide the outcome of the remaining pieces.

Option 1

We put everything on sale on Fulllife’s website which will help us to push side marketing.

Pros : Potential additional income that would allow us to develop an additional range of merch in collab with the brand. Cons : Questioning the OG Armor concept.

Option 2

We keep the total leftover for marketing operations (giveaways, tournaments, community events...).

Pros : Good funnel of acquisition, qualitative merch which was very appreciated. Cons : The remaining quantity is quite important, hard to get rid of 130 pieces in marketing operations / questioning the concept of OG Armor + high cost of acquisition.

Option 3

Hybrid solution: sale of 100 pieces and stock of 30 pieces for marketing operations.

Pros: Potential additional income / good acquisition funnel. Good mix between the first two options.
Cons: Questioning the OG armor concept.


Option 1: sell them on Fulllife
Option 2: use them for marketing
Option 3: hybrid
Voting system
Single choice Voting
Start Date
April 3rd 2023, 3:00 pm
End date
April 6th 2023, 8:00 pm
Created by