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LOL Mastercard Nexus Tour

As you probably saw during the last announcement, we’ve an urgent DAO vote regarding the project proposal we recently received. The freelance team’s manager is looking to build a team to compete in the upcoming Mastercard Nexus Tours, a French open tournament for League of Legends. The tournaments offer a prize pool of 1.75k euros each, and there are three tournaments scheduled from late June to late July, with a total prize pool of 5.25k euros.

Capture d’écran 2023-06-09 154726.png

The team manager, Elendil, is seeking support from our organization to build a competitive team for these tournaments. He is requesting a monthly budget of $500 to bring together talented players and establish a strong team structure. However, Elendil is concerned about losing potential players to other teams as the time is running out .

There is a bigger picture involved as well. Following the circuits, there will be playoffs, and the top two teams from the playoffs will have the opportunity to compete in a promotion tournament for the French Division 2. This league is known for its high level of competition and is comparable to most Division 1 leagues in Europe. Securing a spot in this league is a significant achievement, and while it may not be allowed to sell the spot, it holds considerable value.

Warning - this league isn’t a professional one (so is it out of our scope/target for Heroez?) Do we want content during a minimum of 2 months on League of Legends ?

Please cast your votes on whether we should proceed with this project proposal.

Option 1:

  • Don’t go

Option 2:

  • Go with a 0 budget strategy, if they perform, then we could allocate some budget

Option 3:

  • Let’s go, we allocate 500$/months over 3 months
Don't Go
Go, but with a 0 budget strategy
We allocate 500$/mo over 3 month
Voting system
Single choice Voting
Start Date
June 9th 2023, 3:00 pm
End date
June 10th 2023, 3:00 pm
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